Medical tourism (Экспорт услуг)

Omsk regional clinical hospital today is one of the largest super-specialty healthcare institution of the region, rendering high-quality specialized medical services in 71 fields of medical aid, including hi-tech services in 16 fields.

Over 1000 up-to-date methods of diagnostics and treatment are applied here.

Departments of the hospital are fitted with last generation equipment. Most of the working areas are equipped with computers and united into IT networks.

Priority line among hospital activities is development and securing the accessibility of qualified and specialized medical aid.

  • Within 29 specialized departments of the hospital, 1120 cots of 24-hour in-patient clinic are secured, including 220 cots of maternity hospital.
  • Process of diagnostics is provided by 21 departments.
  • Within 750 attendances per shift in consulting clinic, 48 attendances are highly specialized.
  • Emergency and consulting aid department renders its services to about 1500 patients annually.
  • Every year over 35 000 patients undergo treatment at in-patient clinic of Regional hospital, and up to 220 000 patients are attended at consulting clinic.
  • Scientific and practical achievements of hospital specialists are recognized by medical establishment both in Russia and abroad.

Now Regional clinical hospital employs 2535 specialists: 457 doctors, 18 pharmacists, 1148 middle-qualification medical specialists, 477 paramedical specialists and 435 specialists of administration and technical staff.

Hospital staff comprises 31 doctors with Doctor or PhD degree in medicine, 15 Doctors of Renown of the Russian Federation, 5 Healthcare specialists of Renown, 5 specialists are awarded with governmental decorations, 15 specialists are Excellent workers of public health.

For 100 years Omsk Region people make choice for Regional clinical hospital

Budgetary healthcare institution of Omsk Region “Regional clinical hospital” is about to meet its 100-year anniversary in 2020.

Within the last 15 years the hospital has undergone the update, and after that 2 new buildings were erected and conditioned: 9-story edifice for therapeutic department and7-story maternity hospital building. General service and re-construction of existing constructions were conducted. The same time with construction, hospital facilities were increased, and medical equipment was updated. Not only conditions of comfort for patients and personnel were secured, but also diagnostic service capabilities were increased.

Variety of specialized medical aid types was increased up to 71. Hi-tech medical aid is rendered in 16 fields. Quantity of patients able to obtain high quality specialized medical aid at 24-hour in-patient clinic of the hospital was increased from 25 to 38 thousand per year.

Capability of specialized attendance at consulting clinic was increased up to 48 attendances. Annual attendance of high quality specialized medical aid on an outpatient basis is about 220 thousand of Omsk Region people.

Scientists of 8 basic clinical chairs of medical institute, practicing on the Regional clinical hospital basis, contribute to introducing into regional clinical hospital specialists’ practice about 40 new methods of diagnostics and treatment every year.

Telephone number of the head physician's reception: +7-3812-23-26-74


  • Официальный сайт портала Госуслуг

  • Министерство здравоохранения Российской Федерации

  • Министерство здравоохранения Омской области

  • Омская Губерния

  • Официальный сайт ГМУ

  • Федеральная служба по надзору в сфере здравоохранения

  • Независимая оценка качества оказания услуг медицинскими организациями

  • Общественный совет Министерства здравоохранения Омской области

  • Портал "Медицинская Наука"

  • Портал "Так Здорово"



Адрес: 644111, г. Омск, ул. Березовая, 3
Регистратура поликлиники: 8 (3812) 23-14-02, 35-91-16, 24-83-53
Стол справок главного корпуса: 8 (3812) 23-52-85
Стол справок терапевтического корпуса: 8 (3812) 35-93-40
Стол справок перинатального центра: 8 (3812) 24-13-28
Приемная главного врача: 8 (3812) 23-26-74
Факс приемной главного врача: 8 (3812) 25-66-68
Платные услуги: 24-24-34, 24-65-77
Касса стационара: 35-93-43
Приемная главного врача (e-mail):